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Hands-on, Minds-on

Like You Have Never Seen Before!

Grades 6-12

Online science and engineering course award
Fully Online Courses For Your Online and Classroom Students

*self-paced and interactive

Course content can also be purchased for your classroom

(Click HERE or see below)

Are you tired of the same old science or elective curriculum?  Give your students something new and exciting this year they will never forget!

Choose an Option Below:

Full Year, Online Applied Science or Elective Course Bundle
-Option A- 
3 Exciting Mini-Courses


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Full Year Applied Science or Elective Credit (grades 6-12)

Mini-course #1

Online science course: Thinking Like an Engineer

Thinking Like an ENGINEER

This mini-course Includes interactive lessons, engaging hands-on activities, design challenges, and 3D design software that will give students a chance to challenge their innovative skills and practice thinking like an engineer.


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Thinking Like an Engineer

Mini-course #2

Online science course: Thinking Like an Architect

Thinking Like an ARCHITECT

In this mini-course students solve problems related to buildings and structures.  They learn how to use an architect scale, read blue prints, and use 3D software to design their own dream house.  Lot's of engaging activities!


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Thinking Like an Architect

Mini-course #3

Online science course: Introduction to Robotics


In this mini-course students are introduced to the modern world of robotics.  Using interactive lessons and exciting hands-on activities, students will learn how to design, build and program a virtual robot.


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Robotics & Automation
Individual Online Mini-Courses
-Option B-
Choose any single mini-courses below for an exciting 40 hour (1/4 credit) enrichment experience! 
(Can be used for science or elective)
Includes Bonus! 
Online science course: Thinking Like an Engineer

Thinking Like an Engineer

Online science course: Thinking Like an Architect

Thinking Like an Architect

Online science course: Introduction to Robotics

Robotics & Automation

Purchase All Content For Your Own Classroom
-Option C-

Are you looking for a complete course curriculum (or additional content) for your virtual or actual classroom?

Purchase all the content to teach these courses yourself.  


WHAT'S INCLUDED: All course content, lessons, multimedia presentations (even includes a script of what to say for each slide), videos, engaging activities, activity guides, Daily lesson plans (scope & sequence), quizzes, tests and 3D design software access instructions for an entire 40+ hour (9 weeks) hands-on course or 120+ hour (full year) course bundle (electronically delivered).  Presentations are in an editable format (Powerpoint and Google Slides) for you to customize to meet your needs.  Also includes a self-paced, virtual version of each lesson (if a student is sick, you can send them the link to the virtual lesson)


  • 3D design software requires students to create an educational account. 

  • All software is web based (no need to download software). 

  • Courses and software are Chromebook, iPad, etc. friendly (no need for expensive computers)

  • Students access the software using their unique login credentials.

  • Students can use the software from home or from ANY machine (from anywhere that has Internet access) that has Google Chrome (or other compatible web browsers).

  • Students have access to the software for as long as they are k-12 students.

  • See each course description above to learn specific software details for each course (click the "learn more" button under each course).



WHAT'S NOT INCLUDED: Does not include supplies or consumables for activities. (see individual course syllabi above for material lists).


LICENSING TERMS: This purchase includes the option of a 1-year license (renewable yearly) OR a perpetual license (yours to keep forever.  Non transferrable or reproducible) for use in a single classroom (see below for pricing).  No part of this resource is to be shared with colleagues or used by an entire grade level, school, or district without purchasing the proper number of licenses. 


COPYRIGHT TERMS: This resource may not be uploaded to the internet in any form, including classroom/personal websites or network drives, unless the site is password protected and can only be accessed by students.



Below are samples of the content you would receive.  Includes two files for each lesson: 

File 1 is the virtual version of the lesson that you can view to see the virtual instructor teach the lesson (This is very useful if you are sick and need a sub or want the students to work at their own pace on certain lessons - differentiation)

File 2 contains the "assets" for that same lesson (presentation, any media, etc.) for you to download and teach that lesson yourself. 

Sample lessons from Thinking Like an Engineer course: 

  •  Lesson 3 - Energy and a Little Math (20 min.)

    • File 1: Click HERE  for self-paced lesson (Watch with your students as a group, or send this link to the student for them to view individually)

    • File 2: Click HERE to download presentation assets for you to teach (instead of the virtual teacher)


Sample lesson from Thinking Like an Architect course

  • Lesson 6 - Drawing, Sketching and Blueprints (90 min.)

    • File 1: Click HERE  for self-paced lesson (Watch with your students as a group, or send this link to the student for them to view individually)

    • File 2:Click HERE to download presentation assets for you to teach (instead of the virtual teacher)


Sample lesson from Introduction to Robotics & Automation course

  • Lesson 2 - How to robots move?

    • File 1:Click HERE for self-paced lesson (Watch with your students as a group, or send this link to the student for them to view individually)

    • File 2:Click HERE to download presentation assets for you to teach (instead of the virtual teacher)

The prices below are for up to 32 students:

  • Bundle (Full year course) 

    • All 3 mini courses: Thinking Like an Architect, Thinking Like an Engineer, Robotics & Automation 

    • Includes Thinking Like an Innovator

    • About 140 hours of content

    • $375 yearly subscription (Up to 32 students)

      • Add $95/yr for both synchronous and asynchronous curriculum

      • Add $20/yr for each additional student 

    • $850 perpetual license (Unlimited students)

      • The perpetual license includes both synchronous and asynchronous curriculum

  • Any single mini-course

    • Choose any single mini-course

    • Includes Thinking Like an Innovator

    • About 40 hours of content

    • $175 yearly subscription (Up to 32 students)

      • Add $45/yr for both synchronous and asynchronous curriculum

      • Add $13/yr for each additional student 

    • $350 perpetual license (Unlimited students)

      • The perpetual license includes both synchronous and asynchronous curriculum

Here's an option: Purchase the yearly subscription for the first year.  If you decide you want the perpetual license, only pay the difference for the perpetual license, then it's yours to keep.

Anchor 3

Everyone has the capacity to innovate, BUT there are many students have the super-powers of innovation and S.T.E.M.

Athletes need a sport to express their gift.  

Give your students this experience...It’s their sport! 

Engineering course are some students sport
Science and engineering student build projects


The best part of my day was getting to build things and learn about innovation!

Science and engineering student build projects


​I loved all the activities!  This class was by far the most fun I had of all my classes.

Science and engineering student build projects


This online class helped me to better understand how math and science are used to create some cool stuff!

What Students Say 


Anything but boring



...there has not been a program I have encountered that has engaged my kids more



One of the coolest products I have seen in a while

What Teachers Say 

"...engaging and holds students’ attention and leaves them wanting to do more.

- Crystal

"Buckle up people, this is exciting!"

- Amy

"WARNING!  WARNING! Your student may become obsessed with Thinking Like an Engineer.

- Jennifer

"...all I can say is wow!  


Innovators Tribe provides powerful curriculum and resources to help identify, encourage, and train student innovators to be a part of a technological society.

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