Purchase Options:
Our courses can be purchased as self-paced virtual courses for online students OR as a complete course curriculum for your classroom.
Choose your scenario below:
Home school:
Great! This site is for you! Just click on the "Courses" menu above and choose the class/s you want to purchase (at the purchase price listed).
Virtual school (Online school, virtual academy, etc.) and would like to provide these classes to your online students. We have many schools who use our online courses as "enrichment" experiences for their students:
Click HERE to contact us for pricing, terms, and procedures
Classroom teacher or a school that is looking for a complete course curriculum that includes all course content, lessons, multimedia presentations (even includes a script of what to say for each slide), videos, activity guides, quizzes, tests, and software for an entire 30+ hour (9 weeks) hands-on course. All our courses began in the classroom and were repackaged for online students. You can purchase the original classroom versions which includes the online version (great for teacher sick days or if students miss class). THIS IS A COMPLETE CURRICULUM. You will have everything you need to start your new course immediately!
Great for summer school or after school learning too!
Sample lessons from Thinking Like an Engineer course:
Lesson 3 - Energy and a Little Math (20 min.)
Sample lesson from Thinking Like an Architect course
Lesson 6 - Drawing, Sketching and Blueprints (90 min.)
Sample lesson from Introduction to Robotics & Automation course
Lesson 2 - How to robots move?
Click HERE for more information.